South African Pest Control Association


Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is a systematic strategy for managing pests that considers prevention, avoidance, monitoring and elimination, while providing a comprehensive set of documents and on site reports.

Chemical pesticides are necessary and form an integral part of IPM, however at I&CC we always give preference to materials and methods that maximize public safety and reduce environ-mental risk. Our IPM program has been compiled with the stringent HACCP standards in mind, ensuring that we opt for the least hazardous approach required to achieve and maintain the desired result.


Structural IPM can be described by five general practices.


  • Inspection and evaluation of a clients specific pest problem.
  • Recommendations for possible structural repairs and modifications.
  • Suggestions for possible practice changes in order to discourage pest interest.


  • Selection and implementation of the most practical solution, not only to solve the pest problem but also to maintain a pest free environment.
  • Implementation of a programme that ensures
    on-going control and maintenance, evaluation, reporting and recording of the pest environment.



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